This jewelry making video shows you how to make a fun pair of earrings from an unexpected material – an upcycled plastic to-go container for sushi! These earrings are nice and light, and also very quick to make. Oh, and they’re earth-friendly, too :) Complete list of tools and supplies below the video. Subscribe to…
Ribbon and Pearl Necklace Tutorial
This lovely classic pearl and ribbon necklace is easier to make than you might think. Imagine all the wonderful color combinations you can come up with using your favorite ribbon and faux pearls…or other beads! Learn the technique here and you can use it for necklaces and bracelets too. Thanks to Anne at Flax &…
What is Lost Wax Casting?
Lost wax casting is a technique for making jewelry cast in metal from sculptures made of wax. Start by cutting, sculpting, or carving a 3-dimensional model out of jeweler’s wax to create a mold in the shape of the jewelry piece you want to make. The mold is then encased in a plaster-like substance called ‘investment’,…
How to Make a Coiled Wire Bead {Video}
This video shows you how to use the EconoWinder Coiling Gizmo to create a perfect wire coil, and then how to coil it a second time to create a fabulous coiled wire bead! Make them in all different colors and sizes and use these funky wire beads to add a special element to your handmade beaded jewelry…
How to Make Peruvian Thread Earrings {Video}
Peruvian thread earrings are wonderful brightly colored accessories that have always fascinated me. At first glance, they look extremely complicated to make, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that they are actually quite simple, thanks to this video tutorial. Use a wire coiling tool to make perfect wire coils quickly and easily, or learn how to…