Cord Knotting Tip: How to Knot Against a Bead
If you’re trying your hand at making knotted cord jewelry for the first time, you might be surprised that it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. If you’re like me when I first started, you are probably scratching your head and going crazy trying to figure out how to get that knot to land right up against the bead! Those knots seem to have a mind of their own…am I right??
I have actually had quite a few questions about this recently, so I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one getting frustrated with trying to knot against a bead for the first time. And I’m happy to have the answer, and to be able to tell you it’s a pretty simple trick! So, here you go – the answer to taming those wiley knots that think they get to just plop down wherever they want to sit.
If you’re unable to view the embedded video, you can click to watch >>Knotting Against A Bead<< on YouTube.
• beading awl
• waxed linen cord
• beads of your choice
Stay tuned for some more cord knotting tips + tricks! I’ve got a few more quickies and a bracelet tutorial in the works, and you might also like to check out some of the tutorials below:
Thanks Jessica, your video on this was very helpful.
Thank you! I need to restring a necklace for my mother-in-law and I wouldn’t have thought of this trick on my own!