Cord Knotting Tip: How to Avoid Frayed Ends While Knotting
Cord knotting is a ton of fun, but it’s probably safe to say that if you’ve tried stringing small beads on cord or thread, then you’ve experienced the frustration of dealing with frayed ends! Those pesky frayed ends will catch on your tiny beads and prevent them from sliding on easily, and often trimming them doesn’t fix the problem (or can even make them worse!).
In this quick video, I show you a couple of really simple things you can do to prevent your cord or thread from fraying while you’re stringing on your beads.
If you’re unable to see the embedded video below, you can watch >>How to Avoid Frayed Ends While Knotting<< on YouTube.
• thread snips OR sharp fabric scissors
• beeswax
• waxed cord*
* In this demo I am using waxed nylon cord, but this technique should work on cotton cord, pearl silk, and other types of cord and thread whether they’re pre-waxed or not.
Looking for more helpful cord knotting tips and tricks? Check out my other video tutorials below:
Brilliant! Such a great tip!!! I wonder if fray check would work as well…..
Hi Ruth!
I imagine fray check would probably work, though I tend to shy away from using other chemicals and such because I like to singe the ends of the waxed cord instead of gluing when the project is done (in fact, that’s my next Quick Tip video :). I wouldn’t want the whole thing to go up in flames, lol!
Thank you:)
It’s my pleasure, Danielle! I’m glad you found this tip helpful. Thanks so much for stopping by!
~ Jess