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I took some metalsmithing classes several years ago because I wanted to learn to solder. Well, I did, and I had a great time doing it!
When the class was over, I was so excited I went out and bought all the tools and equipment I needed to be able to solder at home…
…and then I never did. I was too scared. I was terrified! That is, until I found this class!
In school, I learned to solder using a giant oxy-acetylene torch on a giant bench. It had tons of tanks and valves, and a long hose with another valve at the end to control the flame. Intimidating at first, but I had a teacher standing there with me to help until I got it down.
Now, of course I didn’t buy one of these ginormous beasts for my home soldering station. Besides being way out of my budget and entirely too big for my tiny space, that kind of torch is really overkill for small jewelry projects like soldering jump rings anyway. I bought a handheld micro torch that burns butane.
…And I was totally lost. I didn’t understand how to translate the knowledge I learned in school on the industrial sized tank-torch, and was too scared to just ‘play around’ with it, which is my normal way of figuring things out. You know, silly me – I didn’t want to burn the house down. So I just let it sit there for years, gathering dust.
Fast-forward about 9 years. I found this free course on Craftsy, specifically geared toward teaching you to use a micro torch for soldering jewelry SAFELY in your own home! It is for beginners, which is what I considered myself after having forgotten EVERYTHING I learned in school after so long. I watched the video above, which is a segment from the course, and there was no question that this class was exactly what I needed to take away the fear of lighting up that torch for the first time inside my house.
I love Kate Richbourg’s teaching style – she is so clear and seemed to really understand what I needed to hear in order to feel confident and know I was in control of the flame. As with all Craftsy classes, once enrolled, you can watch the video any time and as many times as you want, as well as ask the teacher and other students questions. I definitely went back and rewatched a few segments before I felt I was ready to try soldering alone. It felt like I had my very own personal teacher there with me, encouraging me and answering all my silly questions. Kate walks you through the process from start to finish, all the while giving you great tips and troubleshooting advice for the soldering process.
I still can’t believe this class was free! I learned SO much and this information is so valuable to me. It has had a huge impact on my work. I am excited to report that I successfully completed a set of lovely hammered stack rings as part of this course! I now use soldering regularly in my jewelry designs, which has opened up a whole new world and allowed me to grow so much as an artist and designer!

I highly recommend this class. There’s no catch, no obligation, no membership fee, nothing. It’s totally free to join Craftsy, and it’s totally free to take this class. I think you’ll love it! If you do take this course, I’d love to hear what you think. Come back and leave me a note :)
Me gusto esta forma de enseñarle a los que quieren aprender..Gracias…